
Dens Hot Dogs

Den’s Hot Dogs, a gourmet frozen meal company, decided they wanted to step up their marketing game in the most cost-efficient manner possible.

per Week
Revenue Increase over 6 Months


Den’s Hot Dogs, a gourmet frozen meal company, decided they wanted to step up their marketing game in the most cost-efficient manner possible.


This comfort food company was doing well but recognized the need to retain more of its existing customer base. Strategies such as retargeting on social media are expensive, however. After doing some research and hearing positive remarks from other DIDO clients, they decided to move forward with DIDO’s email marketing to re-engage their customers and develop more long term relationships.


Den’s Hot Dogs possessed a healthy list of subscribers that just needed the boost of a well-executed and planned email campaign to capitalize on. DIDO AGENCY created the most vital campaigns necessary for nurturing and building consumer relationships in just a few weeks. Upon implementation, Den’s Hot Dogs saw just how effective and lucrative sending 1-2 emails a week can be. Simply by stepping up their Klaviyo and email campaign game through DIDO AGENCY, Den’s Hot Dogs increased their revenue from emails from 4% to 44% in just four months!

“DIDO AGENCY brings a new level of expertise and sophistication to marketing efforts”

— Managing member of Den’s Hot Dogs

The Process

The five steps to your brand’s email marketing success:

Here’s our recipe for a personalized, effective email campaign that will
engage and convert your target audience like clockwork!

First, we analyze your brand, website, and positioning, then create a personalized email campaign structure designed for your company’s unique goals and target audience.

After we lay the groundwork, we create a copy to draw the consumer in and establish a relationship that will later lead to a sale.

After the strategy and copy are complete, our graphic designers transform this email into a mini-representation of your brand, complete with all your colors, fonts, and logos.

The last step is making the magic happen! Once we’ve completed the copy and design, we’ll bring the campaign to life in Klaviyo. We’ll create the flows, schedule each email, and map everything out to find its way to the inbox of the right consumer at the right time.

Monthly custom reports with important KPI. 

Advertising result

Only a few months we spent to move Den’s Hot Dogs account from 4 to 44% Revenue.

DataTotal RevenueRevenue from KlaviyoFlowsCampaignsRecipient

09/01 – 09/30




*start Klaviyo marketing


12/01 – 12/31



Clients Testimonial

SignUp result

Signup forms are the most popular tools for building a subscriber database. They let your website visitors become subscribers by entering basic details such as name and email address.

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