OMI Jewelry

OMI Jewelry is a family business with family values that offered a wide selection of trendy jewelry and exclusive watches.

per Week
Revenue Increase over 6 Months


OMI Jewelry is a family business, wanted to increase engagement with consumers and create more purchasing opportunities through more strategic email campaigns.


OMI Jewelry had previously worked for Klaviyo but hasn’t seen any real results from its email marketing efforts. They brought only 15% of income. The company’s open and conversion rates were low, and OMI Jewelry didn't use email marketing to its full potential.


DIDO Agency brainstormed how we could add to OMI Jewelry consumers’ by special deals, providing seasonal discounts, suggestions, and highlighting new products. So we added campaigns aligning with national holidays and special dates to increase purchase opportunities. The result? After sending 3-5 emails a week for six months, OMI Jewelry's revenue increased from 15 to 40%. Our work for this company earned an 8300% ROI!

The Process

The five steps to your brand’s email marketing success:

Here’s our recipe for a personalized, effective email campaign that will
engage and convert your target audience like clockwork!

First, we analyze the brand, website, and positioning, check competitors, then create a personalized email campaign structure designed for your company’s unique goals and target audience.

After we lay the groundwork, we create a copy to draw the consumer in and establish a relationship that will later lead to a sale.

After the strategy and copy are complete, our graphic designers transform this email into a mini-representation of your brand, complete with all your colors, fonts, and logos.

The last step is making the magic happen! Once we’ve completed the copy and design, we’ll bring the campaign to life in Klaviyo. We’ll create the flows, schedule each email, and map everything out to find its way to the inbox of the right consumer at the right time.

Monthly custom reports with important KPI. 

Advertising result

Only a few months we spent to move OMI Jewelry account from 15 to 40% Revenue.

DataTotal RevenueRevenue from KlaviyoFlowsCampaignsRecipient

10/01 – 10/31




*start Klaviyo marketing


03/01 – 03/31



Advertising result

Signup forms are the most popular tools for building a subscriber database. They let your website visitors become subscribers by entering basic details such as name and email address.

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