
From Engagement to Compliance: 5 Major Risks of Poor Email Deliverability

In 2023, worldwide email users will hit 4.37 billion, a 2.7% increase from the year before. With around half of the global population using email in their day-to-day lives, overlooking the power of email marketing means forfeiting engagement and earnings. 

However, without considering this one key metric, your email marketing efforts won’t be successful — and that’s email deliverability. 

Email deliverability, or your ability to get your emails into your subscriber’s inboxes, is a must-have for any email strategy for one simple reason: how can you expect your subscribers to do anything with your content if they’re not getting your emails? You can’t! 

Without prioritizing email deliverability, there are 5 main risks you’re almost guaranteed to encounter… and none of them are good for business. 

Risk #1 — Missed Opportunities 

Perhaps the most obvious risk of poor email deliverability is missed opportunities for both you and your customers. Whether you’re sending an email about a potential partnership, an update about changes to your eCommerce store, or a time-sensitive offer that your shoppers won’t want to miss, the results of an email that isn’t delivered are the same: missed opportunities. 

Risk #2 — Decreased Customer Engagement

Another risk of poor email deliverability is decreased customer engagement. Email engagement through open and click-through rates, for example, suffers because there’s no email to engage with. That could then cause your customers to lose interest due to a perceived lack of communication. Poor email deliverability hurts engagement both inside and outside of the inbox.

Risk #3 — Impact on Brand Image

Once customers start to lose interest, your brand image and reputation are on the line. Email marketing is a direct reflection of brand identity, mission, and values. So, if your emails aren’t being delivered — or, they are and they’re being marked as spam — customers start to think you’re unreliable, unprofessional, or even suspicious… and that’s hard to recover from. 

Risk #4 — Damage to Sender Reputation 

Alongside customer perception, the perception of internet service providers (ISPs) and email service providers (ESPs) is important, too. Using metrics like spam complaints, ISPs/ESPs determine the quality and trustworthiness of your content. And, if you’re granted a poor sender reputation, you’ll run into bigger hurdles with deliverability than ever before. 

Risk #5 — Legal and Compliance Concerns

Outside of customers and ESPs, poor email deliverability has legitimate legal risks as well. Spammy emails, suspicion-inducing emails, or emails that don’t follow best practices mean you’re challenging compliance with regulations like GDPR and CAN-SPAM. Sending non-compliant emails means massive fines, and could even lead to prison time, too.

Solutions for Deliverability: DIDO Agency x Warmy.io 

Poor email deliverability is a huge concern that poses a host of risks to your eCommerce business… but how do you ensure these risks are never realized? By working with businesses that have expertise in the industry! 

Our partners at Warmy.io know the ins and outs of email deliverability, offering all-in-one services that make your email channel reliable and your campaigns highly deliverable. Using “Adeline,” an in-house AI tool, Warmy.io leverages IP warming to launch your email services gradually and avoid damaging your deliverability. 


After setting the foundation for strong deliverability with Warmy.io, you can reach out to the team at DIDO Agency to craft your emails. With over 84 years of combined experience in email marketing, a 25-person team of experts, and up-to-date training on the latest and greatest in the industry, DIDO Agency is your go-to for a highly successful email marketing strategy. 

Wrap Up

While the benefits of email marketing are plentiful, there are also risks if you don’t start with deliverability in mind. By focusing on warm-up and deliverability — as well as choosing highly knowledgeable providers to launch your email marketing endeavours — you avoid running into risks like decreased engagement and compliance concerns.