On our blog, we’ll keep you informed about agency updates, trends, and current topics in the field of email marketing

How to Get People in the Habit of Reading Your Emails
How to Get People in the Habit of Reading Your Emails Are there certain marketing emails from companies that you always open, yet others that you totally

9 Ways to Segment Your Email List to Increase Customer Engagement
Imagine you’re telling a story to 10 people. You know each of them by name, you can gauge their reactions, and you can tailor what

Why Are You Leaving Me? Learning from an Unsubscribe Exit Survey
When your relationship with one of your subscribers ends, sometimes the worst part is not knowing why it all went wrong. Thankfully, you can set

Email Design Fundamentals: Everything You Need to Know
Why Email Design Matters It’s wise to approach design as an intentional act, an act that shows we are interested in our user’s experience and

The Email Automation Every Consumable Goods Brand Should Have (But Probably Doesn’t Yet)
Have you ever run out of products before you realize you need to restock? Skincare, makeup, soap, laundry detergent, you name it. Some consumers have

7 Post-Purchase Email Resources to Increase Customer Retention
The moment after someone makes a purchase from your brand is pivotal… but why? When a new customer has made the leap to buy from

Writing Effective Email Copy
When you’re elbows-deep in applying visual tweaks to your HTML email design, it’s very easy to forget how important it is to write high-quality enticing copy.

10 Ideas to Repurpose Content for Email Marketing Campaigns
Generating newsletter campaign ideas can be challenging if you want to send them regularly, especially when marketers often juggle completing tasks! With visual communication being a key